Assistant Professor

Research Interests: Development Studies, Urban Development, Sociology of Tribes, Tribal Development, Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies, Patterns of Governance

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Work Experience

  • Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences Discipline, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (April 2022 to present)
  • Consultant of The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Project at the Jamsetji Tata School of Disaster Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai (January 2022 – March 2022)
  • Research Associate, Indian Social Institute, Delhi (August 2021 – November 2021)
  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Institute of Public Policy, National Law School University, Bengaluru (November 2020 – February 2021)

About me

I am Assistant Professor in the Humanities and Social Sciences Discipline, at IIT Gandhinagar. I obtained my Ph. D. in Development Studies from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, in 2021, where I was an ICSSR Doctoral Fellow. My broader research is on the urbanisation and changing Cityscapes of India, focusing on unexplored aspects of equity, governance, and social justice. My Ph. D. examined the development of tribes/indigenous peoples of Central and North-East India, with special reference to urbanisation, constitutional and legal provisions, development issues, land tenure systems, local governance and democracy, alienation, and deprivation, from a comparative perspective. I am trained in Development Sociology, Urban Sociology, Development theories and histories, Public Policy, Comparative Studies, Governance, Contemporary Indigenous Studies, Social Exclusion, and Adverse Inclusion. My articles have been published and are forthcoming in international peer-reviewed journals, including ‘Economic and Political Weekly’ (EPW), and ‘Social Change’; edited books and volumes, including the “United Nations Encyclopaedia of Sustainable Development” (Springer), which is the largest editorial project on matters related to sustainable development ever undertaken and “Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives – The Asia and Pacific Region” (Springer). I have presented my articles at several international and national conferences and seminars in India, the U.S.A., the UK, Norway, Italy, and Denmark. I also have a keen interest in novels, photography, music, and Western Cinema. Apart from my academic endeavours, I have also written several book and movie reviews for varied platforms, such as Medium, Doing Sociology, National Herald, RAIOT, and Youth Ki Awaaz.

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